5 Tips – How to Choose Wall Art for Your Space

How to Choose Wall Art for Your Space

Wall art describes your personality and gives your space a persona too. It makes your home more vibrant, inviting, and relaxing.

While dull and empty walls enhance your loneliness, paintings and wall frames can be great and refreshing partners. An eye-catching artwork gives your space life and adds to its value.

Choosing wall art for your home can be challenging, however. You need to consider a number of things like size, color, theme, style, etc. to make sure you are picking the perfect piece of art for your wall.

We worked on the subject to gather some helpful tips for you:

Tip 1: Size and Scale

Sizing and scaling matter the most. The size of the wall art vs. the size of your wall has to be in perfect proportion. So, be particular about size. If you are going to make a quick selection, size tends to be the top factor.

Different sizes of canvases

Different sizes of canvases and wall frames

For that, you need to know the basics of wall art sizing and scaling.

  • Mini: The smallest wall frames range between 25 and 44 centimeters. Think of it as a piece of paper. That’s how small a mini wall art is. Mini wall art is a good choice when adding multiple art pieces.
  • Small: A small art frame goes best with short walls as it ranges from 45 to 59 centimeters. Usually, small-sized frames come in pairs, a group of three or more.
  • Medium: When it comes to the medium category, you will find wall frames between 60 and 70 centimeters. Depending on the wall size, a medium art piece might go alone but given the current art trends, a group seems better.
  • Large: The large art pieces are what you should consider for your walls if you are a very trendy and updated sort of person. Go with a large centerpiece or add two mini or small art pieces on either to create a perfect balance.
  • Oversized: Now, oversized wall arts are the talk of the town these days. These are as big as 100 centimeters or more and act as a focal point of your room. However, these fit best in larger spaces.

Different Types of Canvas

Now, it is important to know that there are different types of canvases. For instance, 3 pieces of canvas type.

Recently, art lovers replaced their old wall art pieces with 3 piece canvas art. Choosing the size of 3 pieces and scaling them on your wall totally depends on your preference. You can go for 3 equal-sized vertical canvases or 2 vertical and 1 horizontal canvas, and so on.

Look into different 3 piece canvas art on Pinterest and catch a lot of ideas and inspiration.

Some General Rules

Here are a few rules you need to follow:

  • Place wall art at least 15 centimeters above your furniture.
  • Wall art should not be more than two-third longer than your furniture, especially a sofa.
  • Scale your art piece according to the height of the ceiling. It should balance the length and width of the space.

Tip 2: Match the Color Scheme

The color scheme comes into play to ensure that your wall art and wall complement each other in terms of color. Going with a completely contrasting color might not be very intriguing. As far as matching the color scheme is concerned, there is no definite rule of the thumb but experts suggest two basic approaches.

1. Go with a Consistent Scheme

Well, pick the wall art that incorporates colors already present in your room. Going with a consistent scheme seems sophisticated and complementary at the same time. Here are some basics:

  • The background color of your art piece should match the color of your wall.
  • Understand and use the color wheel to pick complementary shades.
  • Go with an art piece that features different shades of the same color. For instance, a white and light-blue painting looks ecstatic on a navy blue wall.
  • Choose wall art if at least one of the shades in painting is already in your room. As a general rule, there should be no more than four colors in the same space.
  • When in doubt, choose black and white. They complement any and every color.
  • Avoid bright and neon colors when choosing wall art for neutral walls.

 2. Introduce Bolder Shades

Alternatively, you are free to pick bolder shades for a neutral colored wall. It offers you a chance to go ahead with your personal style. A few things to remember include:

  • Bright and neon colors are a win-win to make your wall art stand out against neutral walls.
  • Go for contrasting shades. For instance, a dark undertone on a light-colored wall instantly grabs the attention.
  • Play with different contrasts and designs.

Tip 3: Pick an Interesting Theme

Wall arts revolve around several themes such as nature and landscape, abstract art, pop art, etc. The theme you choose determines the feel of your space. Here’s how to pick the right and interesting theme:

Nature and Landscape

Wall Arts - Nature & Landscape

If you admire and worship nature or your house is built near a lake or a beach, going for nature and landscape painting will definitely enhance the vibe.

Abstract Art

Wall Art - Abstract Arts

Abstract art is always a great idea. When you cannot think of anything, abstract art is your best bet as it can be something minimalistic as well as something too bold. Abstract art ranges in designs, colors and styles so go with the one that invokes a deep idea every time you look at it.

Pop Art

Wall Arts - Pop Art

Are you a pop lover? Then, why not let your wall art make you proud of it? Pick a pop art wall piece to add a lively touch to your home.

Dark Effects Art

Now, here’s another interesting option. Dark Effect arts advocates mysterious, human rights, animal rights, environmentalism, social change, freedom movements, and the quest for identity and other such goals that are difficult to acquire in this realistic world.

If dark art represents any such belief of yours, it is a very thought-provoking art piece to invest in.


Architecture never goes out of style. Be it classical architecture or a modern one, and architectural art piece is always an inspiration.

Other than these, you can go for a mix and match of themes – something that actually presents your inner self. For instance, an abstract art inspired by nature, pop and abstract art, nature, and architecture, etc. You will find a handful of such paintings out there.

Tip 4: Emphasize Your Style

Your persona, style and individual preference is something that matters the most. Choosing art for your home is definitely your personal choice. However, rushing into it can make you skip a very interesting art piece or idea that could be your best pick.

When picking wall art for your space, you need to ask yourself a few questions to make sure it complies with your personal style. The significant ones are:

  • What is most appealing about this art piece?
  • Is it the theme/subject I agree with or conflict with?
  • Is it just that it incorporates my favorite color?
  • Is it relaxing or disturbing to look at?

As you think about the art, you will come to the conclusion with all the reasons you should or shouldn’t buy the piece.

If you really like a few different pieces, shortlist them. Have a look at them an hour later and go with the one you like the most. If you cannot resist it, you have developed a connection with it.

Tip 5: Choose the Right Frame

Last but not the least, choosing the right frame is crucial. It can make or break the outlook of your wall art. While traditional black frames are always a yes, you should give some time to experimentation. You might get your hands on something that truly complements your space.

Now, there are a number of different kinds of frames to pick from. Silver and gold frames are back in style; choose the one that goes best with your walls.

Other than this, wooden or timber frames can be a great option if you have wooden floors or timber construction. You can also pick a frame to complement your floor, if not the walls.

A dark mahogany frame makes an amazing choice for a dark wooden floor. Similarly, a light wooden frame fits amazingly well to the light wooden floor or setting.

Final Thoughts

Now that you have gathered enough knowledge about the basics of choosing wall art for your home, you are good to make your decision.

Whatever you pick, remember that wall art defines your space. The right wall art offers an inviting, communicating, and relaxing look. On the contrary, a wrong pick can disrupt the whole idea.

Focusing on one piece of inspiration also makes picking your wall art easier. It makes sure that the wall piece goes with your personal sense of style. Take it as fun and choosing your wall art becomes interesting and exciting.

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